Flex.row (Flex.item (
H1.font-bold.text-lg ("

Hi, waving hand I'm Ilyas Benhammadi ")H1.font-bold.text-3xl ("H1.font-bold.text-2xl ("I am a Full Stack Web Developer "),

P.font-golos.text-lg ("P.font-golos.text-base ("

I've spent the last 2 years building and coding web apps. I want to be a software engineering wizard 🎨. Let's connect! ")

Download CV
export class Me {
public name = "Ilyas Benhammadi",
private skills = ["NextJS", "React", "Laravel", "NestJS", "SpringBoot", "MySQL", "PostgreSQL", "MongoDB", "Redis", "Docker"],
protected engineeringMindset = true,
publichireable(salary: number) {
salary >= Infinity
public lookingForAnInternship = true

H2.font-codystar.text-xl ("H2.font-codystar.text-lg ("About me "),

P.font-medium.text-3xl ("P.font-medium.text-xl ("P.font-medium.text-base ("I'm a software engineering student who dived into the world of web development. I commit to delivering exceptional software solutions and create seamless and user-centric websites. "),

H2.font-codystar.text-xl ("H2.font-codystar.text-lg ("What i do "),

  • Front-end Development

    I transform any design into pixel-perfect and responsive user interface, no matter how complex and animated it is.

  • Back-end Development

    I design, develop and deploy scalable and maintainable back-ends and APIs, using the latest technologies.

H2.font-codystar.text-xl ("H2.font-codystar.text-lg ("My Latest Projects "),

View More
  • TripX


    Micro-services based booking platform, for travel and hike agencies.

    Frontend&Backend&DevOpsLearn more
  • Grrreat


    Fast Food ordering/management web app, for both the admin and the client.

    FrontendLearn more
  • Outrun


    Platform for vehicles renting and vtc services, for both the admin and the client.

    FrontendLearn more
  • Dorouscom


    Visioconference solution integration for a live streaming plaform of online courses.

    Frontend&BackendLearn more
  • Chat SaaS

    Chat SaaS

    Centrelized chat app as a service, with a demo third party app.

    Frontend&BackendLearn more
  • StartEase


    Project management platform that allows students to team up and submit their start-up ideas.

    Frontend&BackendLearn more

Quote.font-codystar.text-xl ("Quote.font-codystar.text-lg (" MY WORD "),

“ It's  never the gun, it's always the shooter  ;